W. 54 St. Project

Construction Site Runoff Is Prohibited.

Runoff carries sediment and other pollutants to storm drains and is discharged into local waterways, including lake Erie.

Sewer Break - E. 105 & Pasadena

Report Sewer Problems Immediately.

We stand ready to respond to emergencies.

Rain Barrels & Diverters

Rain Barrel Program.

Get a free rain barrel and help reduce stormwater runoff

Relief sewer construction - Marcella Rd

Experiencing Sewer-Related Problems?

Contact us, we can help



Customer Service

WPC customer service representatives assist the public with sewer-related concerns and they interpret and explain services. Customer service representatives also distribute permits and are liaisons between the public and WPC specialized units, such as Engineering inspectors and sewer maintenance crews.




Protecting the environment and health of Cleveland residents and visitors is vitally important to Water Pollution Control (WPC). Therefore, an educated and informed community is crucial to the success of our efforts as the city’s stormwater manager.

Stormwater Management

Water Pollution Control (WPC) is the stormwater manager for the City of Cleveland and is responsible for overseeing matters relating to the elimination, control and regulation of water pollution within the city limits. WPC controls water pollution with a series of proactive measures, including sewer maintenance operations, capital improvement projects, enforcement of discharge regulations and public education.